One missionary's tale of compassion, prayer, and community in the depths of Brazil.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
So I could write a million things this week if I had time. I will give you a special er moment:
This weekend we had a family day in the fazenda. Almost 100 people. It was really beautiful. Padre Guilherme gave a talk on communication for the parents and I had the kids in teh school house making little rosaries. So anyway, one little girl who is four told me during mass that her birthday was the 27th and in my head I thought "oh that´s tuesday! perfect. ill be in passagem that day." So when we went on our Apostolate, i brought balloons and decorated the door of their house. I put a message inside each balloon to say Happy Birthday Lele Love teh Fazenda do Natal. I was so proud of myself. Until I was in the car and telling everyone and Uba looked at me. "But it´s not Lele´s birthday! Her birthday is 28 of December."
In one instant I realized how dumb I was for believing a four year old. Kids never actually know when there birthdays are. And I just blinding believed her. And not only believed her-- I told EVERYONE in passagem and decorated her door. It was so funny. I cant help but laugh. I guess I am like a kid. Trusting without looking into it.
Oh how is this internet time up? I have a few pictures to post this weekend, but my camera broke so it won´t be many so I´ll have more time to write!
I pray for you and I thank you for your prayers! They are what get me through!
Love Erica
Thursday, September 22, 2011
First, I want to share with you pictures from our pilgrimage last week. You can see a lot of me towards the end as I carried the Virgen Maria.
I think my sponsor letter didnt come out yet. But I talk about my friend Quelle who stayed with us for 3 weeks to get better. She was doing so much better and returned to her husband and 8 year old daughter. Then yesterday we got a call that she was dying. We rushed to the hospital. She was alone in the room with 6 other patients. By alone I mean that they all had someone staying with them and she had no one. When she saw us, she cried. She said how could we visit her?! Her entire body was filled with angst, this fear that reached out to me. This fear of death, of the unknown. She has an infection that has spread to her entire body and because seh is so fragile. Who knows.. she could make it. But also her heart is enlarging and not working very well. Please pray for her.
Oh meu Deus, I wanted to write about my visits in Passagem this week that were so wonderful, but I am running out of time and need to find an activity for this weekend for a retreat we´re having. I am going to do crafts with the kids while the parents listen. But I´m a bit behind and only 30 minutes left to do everything!
Tonight Im going to a talk in the city with Irma about society problems and fashion. It should be interesting. Unfortunately I am so embarrassed about my clothing selection, but maybe someone will have ´pity on me and offer me some cltohes from their collection! It helps when Im with a nun.
Praying for you in all this busyness. Love you
I think my sponsor letter didnt come out yet. But I talk about my friend Quelle who stayed with us for 3 weeks to get better. She was doing so much better and returned to her husband and 8 year old daughter. Then yesterday we got a call that she was dying. We rushed to the hospital. She was alone in the room with 6 other patients. By alone I mean that they all had someone staying with them and she had no one. When she saw us, she cried. She said how could we visit her?! Her entire body was filled with angst, this fear that reached out to me. This fear of death, of the unknown. She has an infection that has spread to her entire body and because seh is so fragile. Who knows.. she could make it. But also her heart is enlarging and not working very well. Please pray for her.
Oh meu Deus, I wanted to write about my visits in Passagem this week that were so wonderful, but I am running out of time and need to find an activity for this weekend for a retreat we´re having. I am going to do crafts with the kids while the parents listen. But I´m a bit behind and only 30 minutes left to do everything!
Tonight Im going to a talk in the city with Irma about society problems and fashion. It should be interesting. Unfortunately I am so embarrassed about my clothing selection, but maybe someone will have ´pity on me and offer me some cltohes from their collection! It helps when Im with a nun.
Praying for you in all this busyness. Love you
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Posted from Blogium for iPhone
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Happy feast day!
So I didn't get to put my photos up due to lack of Internet. I got them on facebook because it was much easier to load. I am on my way to my friends house to have dinner with padre guilherme who is the responsible of all of hearts home in the world. It is such a special moment for me to combine my two little worlds here. That of the work of the fazenda and that of the people who help me rest. Today is our feast day... Our mother of compassion. We live our charisma like Mary at the foot of the cross. I promise to write more next week. Be expecting my sponsor letter soon :) Love Erica
Posted from Blogium for iPhone
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Todo, we´re not in kansas anymore
Okay, so I dont know if that´s how that saying goes. But I have OFFICIALLY realized I do not live in the US. I am get a fast track lesson on Brazilian health care... I´ve entered in this mess of a game. I am going to write about all of this in my next letter, so I won´t bore you twice. But we received in my house a new Brazilian woman, Quelle (kelly). She is 41 going on 71 and is now my love. I miss her when she´s not close. She got out of the hospital last week and cant go back to her house because the conditions are so terrible. She will be with us until sept 10 when they will hopefully be able to rent a new house. Her body (legs and arms) are the size of my wrist. She has a bad heart and only one lung. And she can´t hear. So the house has officially turned into a crazy house between me, Irma, Aldo, Quelle, Anita, and Tata. Anita is "not in peace" with a sick brazilian, Tata doesnt want to stay in the same room as her, and we are all yelling so that she can hear us. But it is so beautiful. Yesterday I spent hte day in the hospital. Running all over town to try to find this medicine and that medicine and talk with this person or that person. I am officially exhausted. WHOA. two officials in one blog.
There has been a real change in me this month. What was once so hard, became easy and so God gave me a new responsibility. I feel like I know the city, I know the ways (except for the government system here, which Im convinced noone knows about). I remember the days where I was in awe how people used the buses, knew where they were, who to call.
Today went to the doc with Tete and Daniel. My angel of a friend and doctor got us in for their examinations of their heads. We found some problems so now we have to go to another doctor. But remember the school wasnt going to pay for the exams for Tete? Well all for free! So there are many miracles even though Im having difficulty seeing it ALL behind my tired tired eyes.
Praying for you all. Happy 1 of September!
Love, Er
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