Today is the day, but I cannot go without reflecting on my past week. This weekend I had the privilege to attend the Communion and Liberation conference. CL was started in Italy by a priest named Luigi Guissani. He is an amazing man of God who saw the need to educate the whole person within the Church. I cannot do it justice so I will put their website. It is truly an amazing movement. I heard talks on the economy, on Chopin, and on science.
Saturday night we saw a play, "Bring Tidings to Mary" or something. If you know me, you know I don't really enjoy theater, but I tried very hard.
The pureness and simplicity of children is incredible. Her laughter filled my soul with joy.
On Monday was our day of rest and I spent the day with my cousin Tommy. What a blessing he is as well to my life. That night, Theresa met up with us for dinner. We were so excited to show her real American food (that is not mac and cheese from a box or tuna fish sandwiches). We took her to a southern BBQ place. Tommy ordered all her food with her and we made her eat with her hands. She was very resistent, but followed orders. We laughed and had such a great time together.
Ximena's parents invited me to their house for lunch. I cannot even express their kindness to you. I felt like I had known them for years and years. Ximena was so excited to have me in her house. We played together while her mother told us of the miraculous miracle that she is. When Flor was pregnant with her, she was told from the beginning that she would lose the baby. There were many complications with the placenta. They began praying very hard and entrusting their child to God. Ximena was born at SIX MONTHS (three months early). What a tiny baby she was. They stayed in the hospital for two months and she still had much growing to do. She told us that the baby slept on their chest at night to teach her how to regulate her body temperature and teach her how to breath. The tiny baby was so reliant on her parents, which is a beautiful thing. And here she is today. A healthy and happy little girl.
Then, for my last night in America, I had a diet coke and Theresa and I watched Annie Hall. It is one of my all time favorites. A wonderful way to end and begin.
The next time I write, I will be in BRAZIL. I really cannot imagine it, but soon enough it will become a reality.
Com amor,
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