Friday, February 25, 2011

more pictures

i posted a lot of pictures this weekend, but dont miss all that i wrote last wednesday about my life here!nicolas built this for our house because anita thinks it is the house of birds for some unknoan reason
my house!
the wash basin where i work a lot
my house
the hill i run up and down
the snake i encountered! how scary

this is what i see when i get to the top of the hill when i run. its gourgeous when the sun is rising
overlooking the fazenda
the walkway of many fruit trees
here is the church where i spend a lot of time. it is peaceful and beautiful
the altar
i like to sit in this seat and look out the door to this spot, which is normaly where the horses are
the brasilians love nossa senhora aparecida
this is our little shrine
sunny this is for you. i think this is where you will live
the garden in front of uba's house. she is a wonderful gardener
this is the swing at mary ines and reno's house
these are the empty houses for retreats, days of rest, and desert days

this is the house of mother teresa. irma miriam, carolina a permanent member, cristina a french missionary, and rafeala a brazilian little girl all live here
this is looking out from the top of the hill towards the road out of the fazneda
this is where they bake our bread and the woman is dona josette my walking partner.
this is the refetorio where we eat lunch
this is the escolinha. one house is not used, one house is mine, and one house is currently being made into a place to create art and then display it for visitors to buy
baby francisco!
the refetorio where we eat lunch
the outside of the escolinha
the soccer field
tete and nina pushing francisco

1 comment:

  1. ERICA YOU ARE FABULOUS!! My heart is bursting!! <3 I don't know if I'm going to be able to sleep for the next 4 months because I am so exicted to live there with all of you beautiful people. And a pink house to boot! :) I just got home from orientation and I am all compassion :) I could go on and on...perhaps I should send you a long letter or email.

    com muito amor,
    Ninella (I'm going to have to go by my first name in the Fazenda because apparently "Sunny" is difficult for the Bahians to pronunce and it sounds like something inappropriate--Sr. Regine wouldn't tell me what!)
