Friday, November 25, 2011

Here we go again

I had planned on writing many more times during vacation, but then we seriously lacked internet and so it didnt happen. I thought I would get all this work done, plan my summer school entirely and yet I did not of that. Mostly I enjoyed sitting on the beach doing nothing at all. I realized upon my return that it helped so much to simply let my mind clear. Life here had filled my brain and I was so stressed and tired. It was lovely to be in the moment, watch the waves, laugh (and fight) with my family. Yes, we had plenty of little moments of tension, but the thing is that we were TOGETHER and able to spend enough time together that we got on each other´s nerves. It´s normal.

My family came to the fazenda a week ago. Alex and my dad ended up being very sick for a whole day, but the first day we went on visits in Passagem. I can´t really express the joy I felt with them there. The simplicity that I have learned to live was completely present. My favorite moment was in a visit of a large family, on a hill, at the end of the train track, overlooking the ocean. A little boy who was too shy to be near me all of a sudden walked up to my mom and placed his hand on her thigh. A simple gesture. She hadn´t said anything to him and yet he felt her soul love and wanted her. They took the cutest picture together. He walked up to her another time and then retreated back to his own mother.

My brother loved playing with the kids in the fazenda. My dad had given me tic-tacs. I thought I´d give one to the kids. Of course they wanted more. I, being strict, would never have given more. Alex, however, asked how many they each wanted, in which they replyed 3,5, and 10. He gave them to them. I just laughed at our differences. PLUS he doesn´t have to live with them. He can just be the cool uncle.

As for life here, I paused today from painting to get on the itnernet. I am painting our tiny library. One wall is wet from a broken pipe in the bathroom, so I will only paint 3 walls so that I can get the bookshelves up and the books out of my other room. They are starting to drive me CRAZY.

I met Bea´s new sister on Tuesday. Bea has no interest in meeting her (it´s her biological sister), yet prays for her each day during daycare. Another girl (sister of Pixinha) -- 14 years old -- gave birth on Monday. THe baby has an infection so is in the hospital until next Thursday. Since she is a minor and can´t stay alone, I will be going to stay with her tomorrow night (pray for me. i´m nervous).

last night we had a big photo exibition of pierre verger in the feminine institute. I could not believe its beauty. We had about 80 guests and it will be up for two months! He photographed Bahian children and captures something absolutely incredible. Anyway, I´m rushing as I have wanted to write for so long and just haven´t had a chance. I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I pray for you as always.


Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Girl is officially a City Girl

I live in a village of 34 people. It takes 15 minutes BY CAR to get out of my village to a tiny street. My daily routine goes from my house to the church to the house to the school. For weeks on end.

I am in Sao Paulo. THe largest city in South America. I feel free and alive and energized. I have officially decided I am a city girl. However, I'm not the same city girl that lived in Chicago. I'm full of peace and happiness and an unwavering calm. I'm not distracted by my cell phone (okay, it helps not to have one) and I want to enjoy what is IN FRONT OF ME. My little village has taught me to be present. To be here. To not be in a conversation, yet thinking about who is texting me or where I need to be next.

I feel so happy to sit at the table with my parents. To hug them. To have them tuck me in my bed at night. I love the cuddles and the way they know me. I used to be perpetually tired. (In the fazenda I take a nap daily and go to bed early and could sleep all day, but thats from physical tiredness). I used to sleep and be tired for no reason. And now, I'm here and full of energy. My parents used to wake up and wait for me. And now I'm up hours before them.

Could this be more scattered? I feel happy and beautiful and full of life. I do find it very strange to see myself in a mirror. Before I dreaded them. But Ive learned to love me INSPITE of my body. I used to judge my day by if i was feeling fat or skinny. I used to obsess about going to the gym and now, here I am on vacation enjoying my cup of coffee and relaxing. I brougth my gym clothes, but forgot my tennis shoes (maybe on purpose????). I know I would have sat in anxiety ALL day without going to teh gym and now, I can shrug my shoulders and be okay with the exercise of walking all over the city.

We are taking things easy here. I didnt have time before I came to research what to do here so we are finding out along the way. We aren't rushing anywhere or feeling like we have to see way more than we have time for. We listen to our bodies. Eat when we're hungry. If you're my dad, you drink 8 espressos in the morning. Enjoy life. Walk. Stop. Shop. Walk. Laugh.

I couldn't have asked for a better present, a better moment in my mission. A better revitalization and joy. I thank God for my parents and for giving us this opportunity. And as always, I thank you all for giving me this opportunity to be in Brazil---this country full of culture and beauty. We think of all you in all we do.

 our first family photo. just waiting for alex!
 we met up with one of our priests and permanent members who are doing a defusion in sao paulo this week
 oops. got mixed up. this is me in our first moments at the airport, using someone elses cell phone to try and find our taxi
 first night we ate at the america restaurant because this american girl was craving a hamburger and beer

 the only coffee he can find in the city. imagine how many he's drinking a day?
 second day going to the market
 my dad had the camera while we shopped. look how happy the girl is to take a picture with teh dumb american
checking out my christmas present! a new camera! ill try to protect this one from the humidity!
Love Erica