Thursday, May 10, 2012

Brasilian visit to the dentist

Tuesday my tooth started aching. I had never experienced a toothache of such sorts. It went from 0 - 100 in a matter of hours. My jaw, my, neck, my back, my head, my entire body joined in the pain. I thought I was going to vomit. I couldn´t believe it. I imagined that I must have gotten the worst cavity of my life. I blamed it on the fact that I haven´t had an electric toothbrush for almost a year and half nor seen a dentist in over a year and a half (since being a little kid, I saw a dentist I blamed it on the terrible toothpaste we get and on myself for not flossing daily. I took 1g of ibprofen, but it didn´t lessen the pain. The night was long. I got up in the morning and asked Joselita to take Tete to school because I just HAD to go visit my dentist friend.

I couldn´t stop thinking of all my friends who don´t have many teeth left. I wondered if they pulled them out because they had this pain from so many cavitities and no way to see a dentist. I understood them. It really was unbareable. How am I so lucky to be able to go to the dentist just like *that*. I called my friend, she squeezed me in. Oh I was so afraid. So afraid to face these neglected teeth.

I walked in her fancy office (I mean gorgeous, gorgeous) and she looked. She found nothing. Erica, there is nothing. Pow, she knocked my tooth. I yelped. She said, ohhhhhhh. You´ve been grinding and gripping your teeth. Are you stressed? Me, stressed? of course! We laughed. She said that my teeth are touching eachother in a place they are not and so my top teeth inflamed. She asked if I had pain in my neck and back. Of course. She filed down my tooth just a tiny tiny bit. 10 minutes later I was out the door.

Today it is already alleviating the pain. Of course there is still some, but it´ll go down. Oh it makes me laugh. Thank goodness I didn´t end up with a huge piece of silver in the back of my mouth.

As for other things, I switched rooms. I, Erica, have my own bedroom for the last two months. Next week a girl named Lady (yes her real name) is coming from Equador. She will be taking my place in the house. What a strange experience. The rain has finally come, only a few months late. Cristiano and I painted teh entire house last weekend. I spent Friday sanding and cleaning the walls (all day) and then Saturday for 9 hours we painted. Orange. I will take pictures tonight. We still have the second coat to do and the windows and doors. I will not be helping with that. Painting a house once in my life is enough for me.

Question: Daniel talks in a baby voice to me. Only to me, does it to no one else. He calls me ecka, like Jose called me. When I ask him why, he says because of Jose. He wines and cries for me and totally acts out. He doesn´t do it for the nun. What do you think he is looking for from me? Some tell me that when he was a baby he cried a lot and no one liked him much so they gave the cuddles to his brother. Sometimes I think maybe he´s looking to be a baby again? But I just don´t know. Ideas?

2 months and 1 week and I´m out of here. Pray for me. It´s going so fast!

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