Thursday, May 26, 2011

Good News!!!!!

So yesterday I was in line to get my dessert (yes i eat dessert every day) and Irma said Erica I have great news for you, Ill tell you after. I said no, she needed to tell me now. Well.... we got a donation to fix the construction of the school. We have bathrooms and such too. She is still looking into the details because each donor gives specific details of how it needs to be used. But we can get some money for some of the things I need to do. SO that is great news and an answer to the many prayers!!!!!!!! thank you!!! of course we're still looking for more!!!! I was losing hope a bit in God, but once again he reminded me that Hes here.

Today Padre Arnaud is moving houses. Aldo, a peruvian who is here for 6 months after his first mission in discernment, will live with us. It will be a nice change as Aldo is REALLY calm.

Tata is going through many changes. She needs so many prayers. She is the 20 year old in my house. She is angry. Every single day she is angry with another person. Its getting a bit tiring on our end to tell her every day we werent talking about her. She is beginning to learn to read and her schooling is coming along well. I think she needs more prayers in the social aspects of things. As she was always the one people laughed at. She doesnt know that people can actually love her. Pray for us as we are all learning how to be in community.

Hm, what more to say? Today we have sun so I am very happy! amazing how a little sun can brighten a day. This weekend I have my second retreat with the young girls. Im really really excited for it and need many prayers as I prepare. What a gift they are to me.

I am looking for some pictures to hang on my wall. I failed to bring them with me so if you have any pretty pictures send them my way! And mail, oh how I love to receive mail. If you mail me, Ill be sure to mail you back!!!!

In three weeks, Ill have another day of rest and I have SOOOO many pictures to share. Check back soon!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing today my sweet daughter. I so love reading your updates!
    Loved talking to today as always even when the pressure is on to talk because it's the only time we have.
    I love you!!
