Saturday, April 9, 2011

pictures of my plans! what do you think?

this blog is so out of order and i cant seem to fix it. sorry sorry i hope you forgive me!! this is my idea for the school house. this will be the library. a wall of books. i want to make a tent to be able to read inside of. with pillows and christmas lights. i also want a bookshelf of instruments. this culture loves music and the kids are no exception. but now they dont have things to play with. i hope to give them this. so we had a plant on our altar, the ants decided they needed it. we arrived one night and they had taken so much of it and made a line 7 yards long carrying our plant.
eating a new fruit for the first time, (my first time, not theirs)
i made this flower arrangement for our alter. this pink flower on the top is what i will have at my wedding one day.
luis antonio with the avocado
the biggest avocado i have ever seen
the dog with her puppies

this is what i want to paint our walls. mustard and white stripes. then i will make gray curtains (with the help of Marie Ines!! and our new sewing machine)
annie, this is what I was sitting next to when I read your letter! I just had to share.

this is the art area. i want to make a big box to put in recycable items. we have a lot of things we could reuse, but then end up in the trash. (sustainable, munoz...) I want a location that the kids can go and look through and dream of things to make. then I will have two wires to display the artowrk they make. and the little box is for big paper, which we dont have a box for.

the other side i will make a tiny table for them to do their crafts. an area to hang aprons (so their clothes dont get dirty). and then I want to make little boxes to put supplies. so they can sit at the table and think "I need a marker, oh I will grab it from the box on the wall" I want their imaginations to soar.

sorry that i can't rotate the picture. new computers always and i cant figure it out!

i will repaint the bookshelf, and make boxes from wood to put on the bookshelf to hold supplies. the kids tend to take what is sitting open in plain sight so its good to guard it a bit!
the snail family by our bucket of food to compost.

mish mash of photos today!!!! i am so happy to be on a day of rest. i am going to a birthday party tonight with the family I am with. I am so excited and feel so special that they are so happy to have me.

Feliz Aniversario a minha mae

happy birthday to my mama. i love you


1 comment:

  1. Eu te amo minha filha doce! Eu sinto sua falta sempre.
